3.5.Proficiency Testing ( Sub clause of terms and definitions)

  • Evaluation of participant performance against pre-established criteria by means of inter laboratory Comparison.
  • Proficiency Testing is an important element of ISO/IEC 17025 accriditation so that it has its own ISO standard ( ISO/IEC 17043)
  • A proficiency test is a method to demonstrate competency and validate a laboratory’s measurement process by comparing your results to the results of a reference laboratory and other participants laboratories.
  • Each participants laboratories will independently test the item, submit there results to the coordinating body.

In the context of ISO/IEC 17025, the Proficiency Testing sub-clause typically states that:

“The laboratory shall participate in proficiency testing programs to:

  • Demonstrate its technical competence
  • Ensure the accuracy and reliability of its test and calibration results
  • Compare its performance with other laboratories
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Maintain and improve its quality management system

The laboratory shall:

  • Participate in proficiency testing programs at least once a year, or as required by the relevant standard or regulatory body
  • Use the results of proficiency testing to identify and correct any bias or variation in its test and calibration results
  • Document and record the results of proficiency testing, including any corrective actions taken
  • Ensure that personnel involved in proficiency testing are trained and competent
  • Use proficiency testing to evaluate and improve its quality management system

Proficiency testing programs shall be:

  • Conducted by a third-party provider
  • Based on a representative sample of the laboratory’s testing or calibration activities
  • Evaluated against predetermined criteria
  • Used to identify areas for improvement and corrective action”

This sub-clause aims to ensure that laboratories:

  1. Demonstrate technical competence
  2. Ensure accuracy and reliability of test and calibration results
  3. Compare performance with other laboratories
  4. Identify areas for improvement
  5. Maintain and improve quality management system

By including this sub-clause, laboratories demonstrate their commitment to:

  1. Quality assurance
  2. Technical competence
  3. Continuous improvement
  4. Accuracy and reliability of test results
  5. Compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 requirements

This sub-clause is essential to ensure that laboratories maintain the highest standards of quality and technical competence, and that their test and calibration results are accurate, reliable, and comparable with other laboratories.
